Get in touch
Mon - Fri:
9:00am - 6pm
9:00am - 4pm
Sunday :
At Harmon's, we can work miracles with your photos. From old photos that need major restoration or colorization, to current photos that need minor touch ups, we can do it. Just bring in your images and we'll provide you an estimate for the work to be done. All restorations are done in house by a trained Harmon's technician.
* Standard scans may be in JPEG or TIFF format and have a maximum resolution of 1536x1024 (a standard Photo CD holds approximately 100 images)
* 35mm Hi-Res scans may be in JPEG or TIFF fomat and have a maximum resolution of 3072 x 2048 (A Hi-Res TIFF Photo CD holds approx. 32 images)
* 120mm scans can be in JPEG or Tiff Format File sizes will vary with resolution of scan.
We'd love to hear from you.